Believe in God in the 21st Century?

Certainly, to believe in God is not in fashion. Further, believing can even be seen as something questionable. Why don't people believe in God? I attempt to point out some of the main reasons in this article. Is believing worth the trouble? Here are some of the advantages of having Someone Holy to embrace. You will have to do the rest, as it has always been controversial to talk about God.

God does not exist (sic)

One of the prevailing reasons to reject the existence of a supreme being is the fact that since the dawn of time man has invented magical or religious reasons to explain what his primitive mind could not explain; gods that, obviously, disappeared as science began to solve the pertaining mysteries. Need an example? Man not so long ago discovered that the Earth is round, and that the earth’s rotation is what brings us night and day. It would be silly to still believe that a god in a carriage transports the sun.
People have rejected both religion and the existence of God based on that premise, even though the established religions are not based in man's imagination but in a given form of direct revelation (like Abraham's and Muhammad's ones).

The second most widespread reason for the rejection of God’s existence is the irony that though God is supposed to be a good being there is a lot of evil in a world filled with disease, injustice, suffering, cruelty, abuse. People seem to agree on the fact that churches and religious communities should spend more time and resources in solving the world's problems as a way to prove that God really exists. To this, believers reply is that every person is responsible for helping the world become a better place and not only themselves. The truth is that while they continue debating, millions of people continue to suffer.

The third point is a sensitive one. Non-believers think that religions have very castrating moral codes. They state that, particularly in the 21st century, it is silly to think that sex should wait until marriage or that people should stop doing what they have to do in order to attend religious services or pray. Just to mention two examples of how religion restricts the freedom of the people and their right to make their own mistakes and learn from them. On the above-mentioned points, Believers' declare that sex should wait until marriage that way any baby born into a family would be cared for, that religious attendance keeps believers close to good moral standards against an insane world, and that not all truth is relative. Apart from those points, both believers and non-believers seem to agree that lying and murdering are definitely wrong. Ironically non-believers contemplate the possibility of committing certain sins once in a while, according to the circumstances, and believers do not.

On another point of debate, people recognize religion as hypocritical because of its scandalous sins. Some examples of these are the crusades or the purchase of forgiveness (indulgences) during the Middle Ages, plus of the fact that many heads of religious communities have stolen money, raped and other atrocities. To this, churches have responded that it is true that many horrendous things have been done along history, yet this is not an excuse to state that all religion is wrong.

Now, the last point I am going to mention. A lot of people do not believe in God because they see how followers are drained from their money or asked to do things just because they are members of a religious community. To this, they reply that those who do these are not of recognized religions but sects, and that religions have very responsibly used money or goods they receive as donations.

Is believing worth the pain?

One of the first and most interesting comments I received before researching this article was this one:

"People usually want to know if God exists, if he is going to destroy evil someday or if there is another life or hell and paradise after you die; but they do not care to wonder if having a relationship with God can be good for them now, while they are alive."

I found it very interesting so I asked if there are really benefits of in believing in God and following a religion. My interlocutor said yes. And he gave me some examples:

When you have a relationship with God, your life is peaceful. You understand that your life will have nice moments, bad moments, and even tests, but this does not mean you are going to go through them day after day, then die and that's it. You have a summon calling for to transcending and the support to achieve it. This gives your life a fresh new breath of hope to continue.

You can withstand difficult moments without the usual desperate quote, "Why on earth did this happen to me?" You will recover quicker from bad news.

You understand that money is a means and not an end, which makes you more generous and fair in regard to money and resources. Everybody likes that.

People really trust you. Believers are acknowledged as good people by the majority of people and they enjoy true friendship more than those who live surrounded by co-workers or other social circles. You also get used to being a sincere person.

Believers' marriages can be stronger. Why? Because believers' relationships are not merely based on sex or what they do while they go out. Religion always reminds them there are other important things to keep in mind even if you do not marry a virgin at the altar.

You can be forgiven and release your soul from any wrongdoing.

Moreover, you understand that life is not perfect, and it does not have to be. Life is a chance you have day after day to become a better person for yourself, and for the rest.

Following God will not make your life any easier but in the end you will see that it was worth the extra effort.

Will you try?

Knowledge + You + Religion