Yes, you can help Heptagrama


Heptagrama has a beautiful goal: to help people learn what they want or need to learn so they can have a better life (read the details here). As you may understand, this is not something I can achieve all by myself, so the door is open if you want to help others through this site.

At the moment, you can help in three ways:

Letting me know about any error you find on the site

There is nothing more human than making mistakes. I may have mistyped something, or I may have published some information that may not be exactly as I wrote it on the article. If you spot any mistake, please tell me. Just remember to give me all the necessary details so I can find the error and correct it.

With knowledge

Heptagrama feeds from human experience. That being said, if you have mastered any topic and you are interested in sharing what you know with others, please let me know… urgently! Your contributions will help many people, not to mention you will be treated like a king (or queen).

Take a look at the acknowledgements page to see how many others have already contributed with this site; and yes, if it is within my means, I can help you a bit too.

Asking about more permanent contribution

Heptagrama has a secret group of "guardian angels" who help me here and there, now and then. Contact me if you are curious about becoming part of it.

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